small steps

तस्य भूमिषु विनियोगः ॥६॥

tasya bhūmiṣu viniyogaḥ ||6||

It is done in steps.
Life. Progress. Growth.

Step by step.
Little by little.
One small choice after another.
& then one day you are here.

It's not uncommon to want to jump to the next step, phase, promotion, accomplishment, etc.
In a society always pushing for the next thing, it can be uncomfortable to experience stillness.

But when we rush, we miss out on the here & now, right in front of us.
When we're able to train our nervous systems to embrace stillness, we breathe easy knowing all moments are fleeting and there is value in being witness to all the little things, highs & lows, and all the steps we take along the way.

We discussed this sutra in some of my sessions last week, and I think it's important to note both on and off the mat.
No one steps into the gym for the first time bench pressing 300 pounds, and likewise, no one will sit on their mat for the first time and easily meditate for 30 minutes or do a headstand.

In life, so often we hear it is not not about the destination but the journey along the way.

So take a moment to reflect on where you are now.
How far have you come?
Who is the you you are, here and now?
What little things can you bring your attention to in this moment with gratitude?
What fleeting moments would you like to be present with?
How can being present with these set you up better for what's ahead (vs. jumping there mentally & missing out on present moments, lessons, teachings) ?



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